Creationist Flavors describes all the different types of creationists. Here's a summary:
Flat Earth Creationist: we live on a flat earth with the sun revolving around us
Modern Geocentric: we live on a spherical earth with the sun revolving around us
Young Earth Creationist: we live on a spherical earth that is 6000 to 10000 years old revolving around the sun
Old Earth Creationist: each of the 7 days of creation was longer than 24 hours
Progressive Creationist: microevolution exists but macroevolution (speciation, and natural selection) does not
Only Flat Earth Creationists are following the Bible
Flat Earth Creationist: we live on a flat earth with the sun revolving around us
Modern Geocentric: we live on a spherical earth with the sun revolving around us
Young Earth Creationist: we live on a spherical earth that is 6000 to 10000 years old revolving around the sun
Old Earth Creationist: each of the 7 days of creation was longer than 24 hours
Progressive Creationist: microevolution exists but macroevolution (speciation, and natural selection) does not
Only Flat Earth Creationists are following the Bible
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