Friday, March 31, 2006

Don't pray for me!

How many times have you told a person with health problems, "you're in my prayers"? Well, science has taken on religion with a 10 year study found that prayer doesn't help . In fact, patients who were told they were receiving prayer had more internal bleeding. Now when someone says, "I'll pray for you" I tell 'em to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Maybe that's why religious people go to the doctor?

And what were those scientists (and the funding agencies) expecting to find? That the US can put the $2 trillion it spends on health care towards another preemptive war? Gee, maybe we should fund science instead of pagan rituals, Jesus, or scientology for the next medical breakthroughs. Pagan rituals aren't as cutting edge as they used to be!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a complementary article. Not exactly something you want your tax $ going to, but some people can't get it out of their head that prayer works. Spread the word!

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save your hail marys for your enemies!!!

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And pray for Bush!!!

3:48 PM  

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