Friday, November 17, 2006

Iran is kicking our ass in stem cell research

Why? Because Jesus said no stem cell research but Mohammad said it's OK (actually, Jesus didn't know what a stem cell was--he was too busy watering down the wine. Let's base our science and technology on a philosopher from 2000 years ago). Who's the backwards country now? Plan to buy your gas, oil, and major medical advances from Iran! And you thought going to the hospital was expensive before.
From the article:

We traveled both to a government run laboratory and a private hospital in Tehran. Men and women were laboring over microscopes and Petri dishes. And all told us things that most scientists in the West would envy. "It's quite open, we can do our work very easily, we don't have any restriction, any problem," one of the country's leading stem cell researchers told me.

The new-found pride is not just about stem cells. It's also about nuclear energy. The fact that Iranian scientists figured out how to enrich uranium without having to do so in a foreign country is a big reason the people and politicians say they won't back down from the United Nations' demands to stop


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